Friday, August 29, 2008

A Bridge Over Troubled Waters-Facilitator - Agent Proximity Relationship in Autism

The questions below are directed to people who are involved in "facilitated" or "agent" dependent typing. For this series of questions, I will use the term "facilitator" to refer to a person who provides some type of arm or wrist support. I will use the term "agent" to address someone who serves as a catalyst while holding the keyboard, having physical contact with the person as he strikes the keys independently, and/or is sitting in close proximity to him.

I have served as both a facilitator Man From UNCLE agent. In addition, I have also served as an "agent" for student consolidation loan information with verbal capability through a partition, over phone lines, and by just having a hand or a part of my body visible. (See articles on Jerry and Jimmy) It is possible I even sent over time and space accidentally. (See article on Alex) If you have read my articles, you are aware that I do not consider "agent" dependent typing as independent. In my experience influence occurs possibly, even more, than if I were providing arm support.

I suppose it is a partnership, a connection that allows for the transmission of the free flowing thoughts that I refer to as "joining." I also suspect that it is this connection that allows access to a higher level of consciousness. I use the term "teaching" or "sending" to indicate the direct transmission of mental prompts as an aid to help the person become more comfortable with our left-brain linear communication system. (See articles on Sending, Joining, and receiving.) I suspect "sending" and "joining" are two distinct processes with two different outcomes.

I have worked with these procedures for many years. I JOT a better understanding would arise if people would begin to ask and answer the right questions. I would also like to see scientists and doctors use their diagnostic tools to see what areas of the brain are being activated in each of the partners during "sending" and "joining" processes. I believe that I would be a good candidate for such an evaluation as my connections are strong.

Below, I have listed a series of questions. I am asking experienced facilitators/agents to respond.

It is the honest expression of each of our aggregate experiences that will create movement toward truth. Please answer the questions as they relate to you and your partners.


  • Do you as an agent or facilitator need to know the answers to questions asked?
  • Do you believe your partners can communicate in a foreign language that you are able to speak?
  • Do you believe your partners would be unable to speak a language you cannot speak when you are the facilitator?
  • When you serve as an "agent", can your partner type letter for letter and word for word what you send?
  • Do you suspect that your partner's accuracy and flow increase when you use sub-lingual vocalizations along with image sending?
  • Do your partners demonstrate difficulty pairing the written word with objects, actions, and activities?
  • Do your partners lose their accuracy when they are expected to get up and move?
  • Do your partners lose their ability to keep the communication going if you are distracted or get up and move?
  • Do you ever feel your partners are using your words and knowledge Almostempty but not the way you use them? (E.g. different sentence structure, more poetic or prosaic)
  • Do you sense an energy, frequency or soul connection with your partners?
  • Do you ever sense that you help subdue or entrain their chaotic rhythm forming a sympathetic resonance?
  • Do you ever sense a "teeter totter " effect? As you join with your partner and your energies blend do you sense your own vibration is increasing bringing you in contact with higher levels of consciousness as your partner's vibration lowers and becomes more grounded?
  • Do you ever feel that not examining all aspects of the phenomena has been a disservice to these remarkable souls and brought everyone further from the truth?
  • Do you ever question third party influence? (Naive facilitators may be used but others in the room, in relationship with the individuals typing know the answers to the questions.)
  • Do you find words (abstract) are easier for the person typing or selecting from a field of choices to identify than pictures, (representational). Pictures in turn are easier to identify than three-dimensional objects? (Concrete)
  • Do you consider it possible that three-dimensional objects are not perceived the same between you and your partner?
  • Do you sense that the message is only as pure as your own ability to step back and still keep the communication going without undo influence?
  • Do you ever question whether the brain is more a diffusing device than an emanating one-information itself is in the subconscious mind or the soul?
  • Do you sense that your partner is not fully integrated in his or her body?
  • Do you ever suspect that this lack of integration gives them access to the subconscious mind, soul, and spiritual realms?
  • Do you ever sense that your partner is coming from a place of oneness and going toward a place of ego or individualization?
  • Do they feel that when "joining" with them, your ego-based reality is moving toward wholeness?
  • Do you believe your partner is vulnerable to manipulation and control?
  • Do you feel potential "facilitators" and "agents" for these sensitive souls, need to be open-minded, loving, calm,
    moral individuals, who are willing to broaden their perspective as they evolve with the process?
  • Do you want to explore the truth behind your experiences?
  • Do you believe stating all information is coming from the typist without any influence from his partner is wrong?
  • Do you want to join with a group of like-minded thinkers willing to explore all aspects of the phenomena?

I answered "yes" to all these questions. How many "yes" responses did you get while doing this internal inventory?

I would deeply appreciate it if you send your results and /or your own "yes" and "no" questions to the "comment" section. If I am the only one experiencing and suggesting these possibilities, then I guess I am the anomaly that needs to be studied. Somehow I find it hard to believe that I am that unique, yet, I remain flexible and open to all possibilities.

I have been involved with the process of facilitated communication, agent proximity communication, both nonverbal and verbal. I believe the gifts of these magnificent souls are being distorted rather than embraced. We must start with an honest reflection of the current practice. Don't forget to post your results and/or ask your own "yes" or "no" questions in the comments section. Thanks!

Mary Ann Harrington">